Entries from 2022-10-01 to 1 month
5 good reasons to learn prostate massage The size of a chestnut, it is located inside the rectum, about 7 cm from the anus and participates in the production of sperm. More than its role in the reproductive system, it benefits from a sulph…
Realistic sex toys - pros and cons Realistic sex toys dildo, despite their considerable cost, are in unprecedented demand in recent years. On sale you can find both women's and men's specimens, which are almost indistinguishable from real …
SECRETS OF FEMALE NIPPLES STIMULATION During intimate caresses, the very first "forbidden" zone, to which, without hesitation, a man's hand reaches out, is undoubtedly the female breast. She involuntarily attracts the eyes of both sexes (i…
WHICH ARTIFICIAL VAGINA TO CHOOSE The market for sex toys for women and men is very broad. Indeed, everyone can find something for themselves, which will allow them to spend time in their own company or with a partner. Today we will spend …
Belted strapon. Help in choosing That's how it will not be surprising for many to hear this, but sex is decisively striding towards unisex. Another trick in the sexual field was a pseudo-change of orientation, so to speak, the game is not …
In order for buy sex toys from VIVA AWA to last a long time, and also not to cause trouble in use, you should remember about the additional items that you will need.Additional items or accessories include the following items: Lubricant/gre…
Premature Ejaculation (PE from now on) is the most frequent male sexual pathology, with an incidence greater than 20% of the adult population. The DSM, the reference manual for psychopathological disorders, defines it as “a persistent or r…
By now the concept is clear: sex has an increasing importance in our society. Statistics say that an average woman thinks about sex 5 times a day (as opposed to a man who travels 13 times) yet, many say they are mentally under-stimulated b…
We like to believe in real sex and not Hollywood male sex toys.We enjoy laughter, communication and nice embarrassed moments in our sex life .While we'll probably never see a movie where Angelina Jolie lets out a vaginal fart, we realize i…